About observations

The measurements on the station of the EUREF permanent network with code TUBO are used (together with measurements on further stations):
- for determination of coordinates of the TUBO station and their changes in time:
a) for study of the movements of euroasian plate and for study of the intraplate movements and
b) for definition of ETRS (European Terrestrical Reference System) in the Czech Republic,
- for monitoring the state and changes in some atmospheric parameters, mainly in near-real time and
- as the reference station's data for all GPS suveying metods including diferential GPS in Brno area, which are solved in postprocesing mode.

Site TUBO in EUREF permanent network information system.

History of the observations

April 27, 1994
Establishing of monumentation of the TUBO point was finished

June 14, 2001
The permanent measurements with the Trimble 4700 reciver and the Trimble Choke Ring antenna was begined.

August 28, 2001
The permanent service with the meteorological sensors of air temperature, pressure and humidity in the instrument shelter beside the permanent station TUBO was started.

September 23, 2001
The TUBO station was clasified to analysis of the permanent network EUREF.