DOMES number 11503M001
Number in DOPNUL campaign719

Views of the monumentation on the roof of the building B, faculty of civil engineering, Brno University of Technology

In the frame of EUREF permanent network the station is identified by four-character code TUBO. The CERGOP (Central European Reference Geodynamic Project) Campaigns were performed in 1999 and 2001 years at this station for geodynamical investigation in the states of central Europe.

Site coordinates

Y = 599131.63 m X = 1159442.05 m
B = 49 12 23.39419 N L = 16 35 38.96521 E

H = 279.59 m

ETRF89 in epoch 1989.0
X = 4001470.675 m Y = 1192345.334 m Z = 4805795.388 m
B = 49 12 21.20976 N L = 16 35 34.20421 E Hel = 324.374 m
(Results of the estimation of the DOPNUL campaign.)

Map of surrounding of site


= system of Uniform Trigonometric Cadastral Network
Y and X are the orthogonal planar coordinates in the Krovak projection
B and L are the geographic spherical coordinates on the Bessel elipsoid

= European Terrestrial Reference Frame, year of base realization is 1989, the epoch of coordinates is 1989.0
X, Y and Z are the orthogonal geocentric coordinates
B and L are the geographic spherical coordinates on the GRS80 elipsoid
Hel are the elipsoidic height (above the GRS80 elipsoid)

= Baltic Vertical System - After Adjustment
H is the height above sea

About observations

The measurements on the station of the EUREF permanent network with code TUBO are used (together with measurements on further stations):
- for determination of coordinates of the TUBO station and their changes in time:
a) for study of the movements of euroasian plate and for study of the intraplate movements and
b) for definition of ETRS (European Terrestrical Reference System) in the Czech Republic,
- for monitoring the state and changes in some atmospheric parameters, mainly in near-real time and
- as the reference station's data for all GPS suveying metods including diferential GPS in Brno area, which are solved in postprocesing mode.

Site TUBO in EUREF permanent network information system.

History of the observations

April 27, 1994
Establishing of monumentation of the TUBO point was finished

June 14, 2001
The permanent measurements with the Trimble 4700 reciver and the Trimble Choke Ring antenna was begined.

August 28, 2001
The permanent service with the meteorological sensors of air temperature, pressure and humidity in the instrument shelter beside the permanent station TUBO was started.

September 23, 2001
The TUBO station was clasified to analysis of the permanent network EUREF.

Detail of monumentation

Description of the monumentation

The pillar, which is ended by screw for fasten the preparation for orientation and centering of the antenna, is built on the roof of the building B of the faculty of civil engineering of the Brno University of Technology. Point TUBO is defined as the intersection between the vertical axis of the screw and the top horizontal level of the pillar. The preparation is fixed on the screw. The antenna for receiving the GPS NAVSTARs signals is fastened on the preparation.

The pillar is built above one from inside carry walls of the building and so this pillar goes through the building and it is finished in the basement of the buiding. Point is indicated by red circle on the scheme below.

Scheme of monumentation

Description of the GPS system

 Measurements have been carried out by the Trimble 4700 receiver (serial number 0220220128) and the Trimble Dorne Margolin Choke Ring antenna with IGS designation TRM29659.00 NONE (serial number 0220229909) since June 14, 2001.

Some data files are provided. There are:

- files with the data from the GPS NAVSTAR satellites in 30 seconds sampling interval with daily file duration for the EUREF permanent network (for estimation of the coordinates of the TUBO point),
- files with the data from the GPS NAVSTAR satellites in 30 seconds sampling interval with hourly file duration for the monitoring of the troposphere,
Trimble 4700 receiver with on-site computer and AD converters for meteorological sensorsTrimble antenna on TUBO site - files with the data from the GPS NAVSTAR satellites in 5 seconds sampling interval with 5 minutes file duration for the experiments with the DGPS postprocesing and
- files with the data from the GPS NAVSTAR satellites in 1 second sampling interval with 5 minutes and daily file durations for providing data for users - see also pages about TUBO on the VUT.

 Site information forms (logs) about the GPS system on the TUBO site:

tubo_20021014.log (current)
tubo_20020531.log (GNSS format)

The station is managed by operation center GOP (only in Czech).

Description of the data flow

Trimble reciver is connected by the serial link to the personal computer, where the measured data are sent continuously. Some programs run in the computer under MS Windows 2000 operating system: primary program is the Trimble Reference Station software (TRS), which saves the measured data to the disk in the RINEX format and TRS runs special program after finish saving data to certain file. This special program checks the GPS data (in some cases it also merges the data) and it converts the data by another programs (CHECKRNX, LINKNAV, RNX2CRX, METRINTR) to the CompactRINEX format, attachs the meteorological data to the GPS data and prepares the data for sending.

Data flow diagram at TUBO station Detailed information about meteorological data are shown on the page about meteorological data at the TUBO station.

The program for moving or delete the sent data and for management of primary data archive is runned at half an every hour. There are some other programs running on the computer. They are: a program for recording the meteorological sensors, a program for communication with computer network and a program for setting the computer clock by accurate time servers.


The proper transmittion is realized by operational center GOP (only in Czech). The GPS NAVSTAR data files are sent to the OLG data center in Graz. The data in files with 5-minutes length are sent to the experimental data center for DGPS.

Avialability of data from permanent GPS station TUBO in Brno is exactly described at page about TUBO station hosted by VUT.



Horizon mask

Horizon mask

The quantity and quality of measured data are depended on the plenty of obstacles around the antenna. The signal from satellite is observed, when the elevation angle of the satellite is above 5 degrees and the signal is not blocked by any obstacle. Review of obstacles is in the horizon mask scheme, which is actual for June 2001. The conditions of the receipt are very good at the TUBO station.